Complete List of Idioms and Phrases from the editorial On political representation of woman

Jul 19, 2024 - 01:46
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Complete List of Idioms and Phrases from the editorial On political representation of woman

Complete List of Idioms and Phrases from the editorial On political representation of woman

1.       Far from satisfactory

o    Explanation: Not good enough or not meeting the required standards.

o    Example: "The representation of women in the Lok Sabha has been far from satisfactory."

2.      Marginally

o    Explanation: Slightly or to a small extent.

o    Example: "The percentage of women MPs in the Lok Sabha rose marginally to 12% in 2014."

3.      Democratic choice

o    Explanation: A selection or decision made based on democratic principles involving equal participation and voting.

o    Example: "Quotas within political parties provide more democratic choice to voters."

4.      Desired representation

o    Explanation: The level or type of representation that is wanted or needed.

o    Example: "Voluntary or legislated quotas within political parties are unlikely to yield the desired representation."

5.      Come into effect

o    Explanation: To begin to apply or be used; to start having legal force.

o    Example: "This reservation shall come into effect based on the delimitation exercise after the relevant figures of the first Census are published."

6.     General elections

o    Explanation: Regularly scheduled elections in which voters elect officeholders.

o    Example: "India, as a sovereign republic, provided the right to vote for all its women from the first general elections in 1952."

7.      Self-governing

o    Explanation: An entity that has the authority to govern itself without external control.

o    Example: "New Zealand as a self-governing unit under British rule was the first to grant universal women suffrage in 1893."

8.     Prolonged political movements

o    Explanation: Extended and sustained efforts by groups or individuals to bring about political change.

o    Example: "Universal suffrage was achieved in various parts of the world after prolonged political movements."

9.     Legislative assemblies

o    Explanation: Elected bodies responsible for making and passing laws.

o    Example: "The representation of women in the Lok Sabha and State legislative assemblies has been far from satisfactory."

10.  Voluntary quota

o    Explanation: A non-mandatory, self-imposed limit or target for representation or participation.

o    Example: "Naam Tamilar Katchi, a State party in Tamil Nadu, has been following a voluntary quota of 50% for women candidates."

11.    Political party quotas

o    Explanation: Allocated numbers or percentages of positions or seats that political parties reserve for specific groups, often women or minorities.

o    Example: "Countries like Bangladesh and Pakistan that have quotas in parliament fare poorer than countries with political party quotas."

12.   Nurture their constituencies

o    Explanation: To care for and develop the electoral districts that an elected official represents.

o    Example: "It may reduce the incentive for MPs to work hard to nurture their constituencies."

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