Complete List of Vocabulary words from the editorial from The HINDU editorial: The importance of both Quad and BRICS – 23 July 2024
Complete List of Vocabulary words from the editorial from The HINDU editorial: The importance of both Quad and BRICS – 23 July 2024
Synonyms: immobilized, incapacitated, disabled
Antonyms: active, mobile, functional
Example Sentence: The UN Security Council is paralysed, unable to respond effectively to the crisis.
Synonyms: exemption, immunity, freedom
Antonyms: liability, accountability, responsibility
Example Sentence: The hackers acted with impunity, causing extensive damage without facing any legal consequences.
Synonyms: support, momentum, acceptance
Antonyms: resistance, opposition, rejection
Example Sentence: The new policy is gaining traction among the general public.
Synonyms: believable, plausible, reliable
Antonyms: implausible, unreliable, incredible
Example Sentence: The scientist provided credible evidence to support the theory.
Synonyms: multilateral, multipartite, cooperative
Antonyms: unilateral, bilateral, individual
Example Sentence: The pluri-lateral agreement involved multiple countries working together.
Synonyms: susceptible, exposed, defenseless
Antonyms: protected, secure, invulnerable
Example Sentence: The coastal towns are particularly vulnerable to rising sea levels.
Synonyms: eagerly, fervently, zealously
Antonyms: reluctantly, indifferently, apathetically
Example Sentence: She enthusiastically accepted the new project assignment.
Synonyms: boost, stimulus, incentive
Antonyms: hindrance, deterrent, obstruction
Example Sentence: The new investment provided a much-needed fillip to the economy.
Synonyms: fortification, defense, safeguarding
Antonyms: vulnerability, exposure, jeopardization
Example Sentence: The securitisation of the region was essential to maintain stability.
Synonyms: unwillingness, hesitancy, aversion
Antonyms: eagerness, willingness, enthusiasm
Example Sentence: Her reluctance to participate in the event was evident.
Synonyms: uncertain, conflicted, undecided
Antonyms: certain, decided, resolute
Example Sentence: He felt ambivalent about the decision, seeing both pros and cons.
Synonyms: obligations, pressures, urges
Antonyms: freedoms, options, choices
Example Sentence: Cultural compulsions often influence people's behavior and decisions.
Synonyms: improved, revised, modernized
Antonyms: unchanged, unaltered, stagnant
Example Sentence: The reformed education system aimed to provide better opportunities for students.
Synonyms: puzzle, dilemma, enigma
Antonyms: solution, answer, clarity
Example Sentence: The team's strategy presented a conundrum that needed careful consideration.
Synonyms: show off, parade, flaunt
Antonyms: underplay, downplay, conceal
Example Sentence: The politician was accused of grandstanding to attract more media attention.
Synonyms: uncertain, conflicted, undecided
Antonyms: certain, resolute, determined
Example Sentence: She was ambivalent about the job offer, unsure if it was the right move.
Synonyms: mutual, reciprocal, joint
Antonyms: unilateral, one-sided, independent
Example Sentence: The bilateral agreement between the two countries was a significant step towards peace.
Synonyms: conditional, dependent, provisional
Antonyms: certain, definite, assured
Example Sentence: The success of the project is contingent on securing additional funding.
Synonyms: unwilling, hesitant, disinclined
Antonyms: eager, willing, enthusiastic
Example Sentence: He was reluctant to join the meeting without more information.
Synonyms: improve, augment, boost
Antonyms: diminish, reduce, weaken
Example Sentence: The new features will enhance the user experience significantly.
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