Some important vocabulary terms from the article published in THE HINDU along with their meanings
The Hindu article: CJI says some parts of draft SOP on judicial conduct in govt. cases read as if Centre wants to chaperone judicial review published on 21 August 2023

- Solicitor General: A high-ranking legal officer in a country, often responsible for representing the government in legal matters and providing legal advice to government departments.
- Draft: A preliminary version of a written document, plan, or proposal.
- Standard Operating Procedure (SOP): A set of step-by-step instructions or guidelines that outline how specific tasks or processes should be carried out within an organization.
- Judicial Review: The process through which courts review and assess the actions of the executive and legislative branches of government to ensure they are in line with the constitution and the law.
- Chaperone: To accompany or oversee someone or something, often with the intention of providing guidance or supervision.
- Modify: To make changes to something in order to alter its form, structure, or content.
- Exercise (of Judicial Review): The act of carrying out or implementing a particular power or authority, in this case, the act of conducting judicial review by courts.
- Dictate: To prescribe or command with authority; in this context, suggesting the Centre's desire to control or influence the process of judicial review.
- Flatly Denied: Strongly and unequivocally rejected or contradicted.
- Chief Justice of India: The highest-ranking judge in the Supreme Court of India and the head of the Indian judiciary system.
- Addressed: Spoke to or communicated with directly.
- Focusses (Focuses): Concentrates attention or effort on a specific subject or issue.
- Summoned: Called upon or ordered to appear before a court or authority.
- Reserving the Case for Orders: Postponing the decision or outcome of the case until a later time.
- Bar: Prohibition or restriction.
- Pending in Appeal: Referring to a case that is still being considered in an appeals court.
- Dress Code: A set of rules or guidelines governing appropriate attire for a specific setting or occasion.
- Unprofessional: Not conforming to accepted standards of professionalism or conduct.
- Unbecoming: Not fitting or suitable for a particular role or position.
- Reasoned: Provided a logical explanation or justification.
- Ventured Into: Explored or delved into, often implying entering unfamiliar territory.
- Prescribe: To set or specify rules, guidelines, or regulations.
- Expert Committees: Groups of knowledgeable individuals convened to provide specialized advice or recommendations on specific subjects.
- Compliance: Adherence to rules, regulations, or orders.
- Contempt Proceedings: Legal actions taken against individuals for disrespecting or disobeying court orders.
- Enforceable: Capable of being carried out or executed.
- Congenial: Pleasant, friendly, or favorable.
- Conducive: Creating conditions that are favorable for a particular outcome.
- Minimize: To reduce or diminish the extent, significance, or impact of something.
- Scope: Range or extent of influence or operation.
- Resources: Materials, time, money, or other assets available for use.
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